Show your home some love by giving it something special the
same way you would for your significant other, because there really is no place
like home.

Add a touch of
color: Feeling creative? Why not
give the family room, bedroom or bathroom a whole new look? By focusing on the improvement of one room at
a time, you'll find that what can seem like an overwhelming job becomes fun and
simple. Repainting a single room can be
inexpensively completed over a single weekend.
Bright and
beautiful: Replacing the light fixtures in your house with personally
selected pieces can drastically increase your home's beauty and value. Choose a cohesive look for the entire house,
or decorate room by room! The
installation of new fixtures is generally a quick do-it-yourself task.
Tile it up:
While it might seem like a daunting task, installing new tile in a kitchen or
bathroom can be easily accomplished with a little know-how and the right
supplies. Your local home improvement
warehouse will have everything you need to revamp and personalize the flooring
of your choice!
The beauty
beneath: Always dreamed of having beautiful hardwood floors? Choose a room, pull up the carpet, and you'll
be on your way to accomplishing just that!
Repairing, refinishing, and staining the floor is a simple step-by-step
process that you can achieve without the heavy expense of installing new wood
If you have any questions, feel free to contact James Y. Kuang at (626) 371-5662 or by email