Wednesday, August 22, 2012


There has been a surge in buyer interest this year and simple economics would tell you that with more demand equals an increase in price.  Home prices have been starting to rise as well as interest rates at a slowly but surely speed.  According to, home prices in the Los Angeles area has risen 6.43% from a year ago.  The unfortunate reality is that many buyers were hesitant to buy before but now that everyone is interested in homeownership, everyone is trying to get in on it.  People either go to where the money is, or where the money will be.  Which one are you? 

Buyers Want a Bargain? Here's Their Chance!
For home buyers who are looking for a chance to buy low, they may not want to drag their feet too much longer.  
“Home prices have probably bottomed in most markets,” David Crowe, chief economist at the National Association of Home Builders, said in an NBC News-hosted Web chat with online visitors last week. “Mortgage rates are not likely to go down much further and will eventually rise as the economy recovers. Home builders are hungry and while you will still have to pay a fair price, you may not get a better bargain than now before all the rest of the demand comes back.”
However, the best bargains will largely depend on where you’re at, Crowe says.
“House prices are rising in some markets, notably Texas ... In a few markets that were severely damaged by the recent Great Recession, prices may continue downward for another six to ten months,” Crowe says.
Crowe says one hurdle that may slow the recovery is the inability for some home buyers to still not be able to qualify for financing due to banks’ tightened underwriting conditions in the last few years. 
But in places where the inventory of distressed homes is decreasing and demand is growing because of an improving employment picture, “housing is beginning to see some recovery, prices are picking up, and more building is occurring,” Crowe says.